Data data everywhere, No time to think

A talk to break common misconception with data science projects. Understand data projects with much simpler approach and gain huge gains from it.

Every one says data is the new oil. But do we actually know how to efficiently use it to make our customer lives better, or it’s just another silo of information.

In this talk, we will see a beautiful approach to planning data-based projects inspired by professionals from Google, Twitter, Microsoft, and more. This talk will cover the following things -
1. Planning a data project sprint
2. Establishing purpose and vision.
3. What data matters and what’s trash?
4. Mining the sentiments of users.
5. Diminishing the silos.
6. Tools

After attending this talk, you would be able to think more clearly through the data project and really get amazing results.

Aman Sharma

Aman Sharma


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