Troubleshooting real-time business metrics with StarTree ThirdEye

StarTree ThirdEye is a source available anomaly detection platform that helps with monitoring, anomaly detection and root cause analysis of complex business metrics in real-time. In this presentation, we'll walk through some real-life examples of how identifying problems in real-time metrics and diagnosing them quickly is crucial for businesses. We'll cover different data verticals and their challenges and how StarTree ThirdEye attempts to address some of these issues.

- Explore the landscape around real-time business metrics
- Learn about how StarTree ThirdEye addresses a variety of use cases leveraging a flexible architecture and a pluggable framework
- Learn about the strategies around root cause analysis and how StarTree ThirdEye leverages data to identify potential causations using correlations present in data.

Madhumita Mantri

Madhumita Mantri

Product Lead,

Suvodeep Pyne

Suvodeep Pyne

Founding Engineer,

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