Create A Multi-Language Translator Using Blazor And Azure Cognitive Services

We will create a Multilanguage translator using Blazor and the Translator Azure Cognitive Service. The application will accept the text to translate and the target language as the input and returns the translated text and the detected language for the input text as the output. This app will support more than 100 languages for translation.

We will cover the following concepts:

1. What is Azure Cognitive Services?
2. What is Azure Translator Service?
3. Create the Azure Translator Cognitive Services resource
4. Create and configure a Blazor Server-Side application
5. Create the Blazor UI Component
6. Execution Demo

You can see a GIF showing the app in action at

Ankit Sharma

Ankit Sharma

SDE III @ Cisco | GDE for Angular | Microsoft MVP | Author | Speaker | Passionate Programmer

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